Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Flames of Irony - SoaD

In keeping with the main purpose of the blog(which is to create awareness for good music), . you will get to know about an awesome song. It concerns a band, through which it may become a mouthpiece, to communicate and challenge the world, to think critically about the global society in which they live in.

The irony lies in 2 members of the band who grew up in Beirut, and what's been happening there. This song is called Boom.

Confused? I am sure you know I am implying. Perhaps you sense the irony? Whatever you might conclude, watch, and know.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

All in a day's quirkiness: NO SHIT!

Last sunday was meant to be a gathering of sorts with the guys at Sentosa. The purpose? Just plain hanging out, enjoying the sun sea, and babes. Not only did we encounter nothing interesting(except for girls sun-tanning by proning bare-back, who should really turn over *grin*), we ended up doing the thing we do best; SLACK. UNTIL we thought we saw somebody somewhat familiar, and here he is.

Now, I don't know about you, but this bugger, whom we saw trudging along the sands of siloso beach, seriously looks like Gabriel Batistuta, one of the greatest Argentinian footballers ever. He is also the country's top scorer with 56 goals, hence his well-earned nickname 'Batigol'.

We were mostly scratching our heads as he walked past us with his wife and kid. It goes something like this.

Jason: Eh, look at him!
Me: What?!
Jason: Aiyah, just look at him! Splitting image of...
Me: Batistuta?! In Singapore??

Jason quipped that he now lives in Perth, and thus it became impossible to rule out the remote possibiliy that it really is him!

Me: Shall we ask him for a photo? I mean, even if he isn't Batistuta, he really really looks like him!
Jinyuan: ahahaha, don't bother lah...

And so, will we regret this decision? Should we have worked up the courage to even ask for a photo with a complete stranger? I found out sooner than I thought when I saw this in the New Paper today.

WTF! Really, that went through my head when I read the paper. He was spotted at the Night Safari and someone did verify his identity. It really was him we saw! No shit indeed.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

What do you envisage when I tell you to think about 2 old men sitting in the pastures, against a backdrop of pristine rivers, enjoying their favourite pastime? No, it isn't fishing. Just check out these 2 dudes just having one heck of a time. Though I have scant knowledge of this piece of work, it's beauty is undeniable.

It all starts with a wisp of aural awareness

Wooo! Here I am with this blog for well, hopefully critical and interesting insights. Of what you might say? Anything under the sky some yearn to caress.